Saturday, October 3, 2009

Apple Pick'n Good time...

Apple Pick'n fun 2009
As you can see Zach hit the mother load with a little help from mom, Shelb, Mer, Cousin Grant and Aunt Adrie

We thought the day would be cool, but it was blistering HOT...drip, drip, drip

My Shelby-Girl happy to have a task to do!

Merry and her buddy/cousin Grant on the hey-ride back for some COLD apple cider!

Shelby and Zachary pose for a shot - love the Willow tree in the back-drop - we ate lunch under that tree.  It was a great day with cousins and Aunt Adrie and mom and did we mention - HOT!

1 comment:

Maggi said...

Holy moley, look at all of those apples! Score! Fabulous pictures, it looks like it was a beautiful place!