Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Wailing Wall

I went to see the movie "The secret life of bees" it was interesting and strange on many levels. There was a character / sub-plot that grabbed me...I believe the characters name was Ms. May, she had lost her twin-sister to death and since that time was never "right" mentally. The members of her house hold came up with a way to release her pain when it became to much of a burden for her...Ms. May would go to the back-yard and write down her pain/sorrow on a piece of paper, fold it up and stick it into the man-made stone wall...a mini version of the wailing wall in Jerusalem. This scene in the movie struck me because in March of 2005 I did this very act. I stood at the wailing wall in Jerusalem at about 1am and wrote private matters on to paper and placed them in the cracks of the literal wailing wall. I was about five weeks pregnant with Zachary and did not know it. For the last three years the wailing wall has been a theme of my life a symbol of my own journey, so you can imagine the flood of emotions that washed over me in the movie theater not prepared for the message sent to me. As a new year approaches and a new chapter of life unfolds I read a quote today that sums up the last three years and the choice to walk forward with the Friend that is my past, my present and my future...the quote read:
"Make your wailing wall your throne of praise, overcome those things that have overcome you."
There is eternal life in Christ and eternity starts...NOW! Blessings for 2009 and beyond.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Strength for ALL things

Most believers are familiar with the verse in the Bible that says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". I like the amplified version that says: " I have strength for ALL things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]." The more people I meet along life's path and say to me "how do you do it" - I wonder if people really read the Bible and not only read it but do we really believe what it says. No, it's not always easy or fun raising twins and a special needs son who has many needs. The promise, the good, the joy always out weigh the challenges. I've tried to figure out why pity (not empathy but pity) from others bothers me so bad and I think that verse in Philippians 4:13 is the root. It's almost offensive that people look at each others life circumstances and compare and wonder "how do they do it". In the context of a follower of Christ how does the military family say goodbye to the solider, how does a spouse cope with the loss of their love, how does a family find hope in the midst of a cancer diagnosis, how does one over come failure, how can someone look beyond the mountain of debt? No matter what the trial, believers have been given a promise. The promise is strength for ALL things only by Christ who empowers us. I take this promise to heart every day I get up and change a feeding tube, lift and haul a heavy wheelchair, carpool multiple children around, help my husband when it's not convenient, answer the same six year old question for the hundredth time that day and so on....I don't pride myself in being independent, but I do realize that the same power that rose Christ from the dead lives in me so why wouldn't I be able to do what needs to be done for my family no matter how challenging the task. Christ in me, the hope of Glory. Then there is the benefit we have of having a supernatural or eternal mindset about the things we face day to day here on earth...Yes Lord remind me that when I turn my eyes on You the things of this world grow strangely dim in the LIGHT of your Mercy and Grace.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Stay the Course

We all could learn a few things from the Olympic men's swim team. Especially Phelps and Lezak. If you have a chance to go to youtube or nbc, check out the men's relay race - awesome. I encourage you today to stay the course as Christ is your true north. Many before us and those after us share in this race and as we all "relay for life" - be encouraged that we are on a team that must remain focused on the goal at hand. Maybe you are caring for an elderly parent - stay the course. Are you expecting a new baby or in the midst of raising small children and wonder if anything is getting through - stay the course. Whether it's a weight loss goal, a retirement plan, paying off debt, or some personal goal...Stay the course. Praise God I have learned that it is not how you begin but how you finish. Finish well.

"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." Phil 1:6

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Death to Life

I've been reading II Cor 4 and the message that there must be death in order to experience life is really fascinating me. I'm realizing every day that the life, death and resurrection message is of course literal but also a picture of every day life experiences. I'm all about application to this moment right now, where I live and where I'm at in life. God has been posing the following revelation to me: "You can glorify me and honor me in ever daily task". How do I treat people at the store? How do I handle a nurse that is short tempered and unhelpful? Do I give myself enough time from errand to errand to connect with someone and really listen? The answer usually is that it is so much easier to run circles in busyness, show the world I'm carrying a heavy load, avoid eye contact and by all means please don't ask me to engage in your life, your problems - I have my own thank you. This answer is not what God is looking for. He's asking me to slow down...stop long enough to listen to the elderly mans story, help the new mom that's frazzled, smile with patience. "For we who live are constantly [experiencing] being handed over to death for Jesus' sake, that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be evidenced through our flesh which is liable to death." (IICOR4:11 - AMP)
How I manage Zach's care and deal with the medical world is a chance to spread the Gospel through the vehicle God has chosen. How I raise my children, who I speak to my husband in a stressful situation are all opportunities to die to the flesh and build up the Spirit man. No matter what we face at work, within the four walls of the church or in our families the Word encourages us that ..."we do not get discouraged (spiritless and despondent with fear) or become faint with weariness and exhaustion." (IICOR4:1 - AMP). Wow, so could being confident, refreshed and always ready with an encouraging word be a way that world might know Christ in us is illumiating our lives from within. Lets face it, everyone is stressed, burned out, unhappy with their marriage, frustrated with kids...but what if someone looked at me and saw peace (not perfection) maybe that would be an open door to introduce the lost to the Prince of Peace. If our lives really are open books, what are people reading? I've spent many of days frustrated about this place in life that I'm at. I'm a slow learner, but I'm learning to enjoy the magic of the moment. So when Zach wakes me up for the third time in the middle of the night...instead of screaming (which yes I have done) I thank God for the opportunity to die so that I might receive new life and yes there is such a thing as supernatural rest. There are those days when your not being loved like you'd like to be and in that moment God displays His love for you in a sunset, a song, or a call from a friend. "However, we posses this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves." (IICOR4:7 - AMP)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I'm a Blogger

I think it's official - I'm a blogger. I will be phasing out of the caringbridge site and using this site more to include life in general, sprinkled with news on family life, Zach and the journey we all share. Thanks for peeking in on us. Photos and all that good stuff to come.