Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Belated 2010

2010 came in with a BANG!  Dad planned a roller skate night with the girls over their holiday break - we all had so much fun and yes I still remember how to get funky with it and the disco ball!  Since Christmas has been over we are in full swing with everyone doing something!  We do not yet have a photo of Shelby doing basketball, but we had her first game today.  Merry is the gymnastics lady and gets excited every week for her one hour lesson.  Zach is tied down, bundled up like the character Ralphy from The Christmas Story movie...gotta keep him warm on that bus ride to school.  Mom and the girls ring in 2010 with festive hats...our motto for this year..."Wherever were at thats where the partys at!"


Melanie said...

Love the photos of your gorgeous family! Happy 2010! Really enjoyed your recent Caring Bridge update. God has done such amazing things & you share your testimony of what He has done for you in a great way!

Maggi said...

Awesome pictures!!!